We had a great day with our friends and customers learning about John Deere's current hay equipment line-up as well as some inside information about the new 1 Series Round Balers coming from Deere. Our Dodge City Hay Clinic was held back in November and with our presenters from TAMA USA and retired John Deere field reps, we had over 150 years of collective experience and knowledge to share with our customers! If you're worried you missed out - we made this virtual clinic mini-series for you to get some of the highlights!

The event was broken into stations that reviewed the latest TAMA wrap solutions, current John Deere Round Balers, Self-propelled Windrowers and the L341 Square Baler. Whether our customers were familiar with the Deere lineup or not, demonstrations highlighted industry differentiating features, proper set-up and maintenance as well as new attachments such as the new Net Wrap Lift Assist were shown ensure optimization in a haying operation.

With technology booming in all aspects of farming, hay and forage is no different. A couple of our Precision Ag Specialists spent some time educating customers on how Operations Center can help them record and track valuable data for better decision making on their operations. They also showed a demonstration of Harvest Mobile that tests constituent levels of silage. Harvest Mobile is a great tool to keep a more accurate record of the nutritional values of feed.

We invite you to view our John Deere Hay Clinic Series. Thanks to the professionals who created videos to help you get the most from your John Deere Hay Equipment. WATCH below:

Be sure to reach out to your local American Implement Sales Representative or Precision Ag Specialist with any questions you may have!