Mandatory 4G Upgrade
JDLink™ terminals use cellular connections & require the same cell towers that our phones use. As we move into 2022, 3G connections will no longer be available through current cell tower infrastructure. This means that all 3G MTG terminals will become obsolete on December 31, 2021.
+ JDLink™ is moving away from the subscription model. This means that all customers can enable JDLink™ Connectivity on any compatible MTG in their organization at no additional charge. That's right! Receive Access, RDA and Wireless Data Transfer at NO Cost! Because every operation is uniquely different the best option is to contact your local American Implement Precision Ag Specialist or Service Manager for details and instructions.
- JDLink™ is John Deere's telematics system designed for customers and managers who desire to take their operation to the next level of productivity and efficiency without leaving the office! Whether it is receiving an e-mail or text message, users can manage the operation in real-time without being in the cab. Using the power of JDLink can optimize productivity, increase uptime, and boost profits with JDLink information all from a laptop, desktop, or mobile device.
- JDLink provides flexibility to meet the user's needs:
- JDLink Select is the foundation to a telematics system. JDLink Select provides users with a solution that fits on any make/model of equipment, including older John Deere equipment, to provide a seamless solution for the operation. JDLink Select places essential machine information at the user's fingertips, leaving them in complete control to increase machine productivity.
- JDLink Ultimate provides enhanced machine performance and utilization information that can only be achieved through direct communication with on-board machine controllers. Utilizing John Deere's exclusive telematics technology, users can remotely link to Ultimate-compatible machines to achieve a new level of optimization.
- JDLink™ hardware allows users to customize a solution to meet their needs. The hardware can be upgraded from JDLink Select to Ultimate functionality on approved platforms with an activation, providing a solution tailored to the operation.
- The wireless transfer of data requires an active subscription which is purchased through Stellar Support utilizing the same Web site currently used for all John Deere Ag Management Solutions (AMS) activations.
- Increase Increase machine uptime through preventative maintenance and diagnostics with JDLink™ Ultimate uptime through preventative maintenance and diagnostics with JDLink™ Ultimate
- Coordinate labor and machine logistics
- Stay connected with remote machine management
- Use JDLink™ Select on all makes or models of equipment
To learn more about jdlink and all of our precision ag offerings, contact your local American Implement location today!