American Implement recently finished construction on a brand-new training facility located at its Garden City, Kansas dealership.Join our CEO, Chad...
Mar. 20 2025 News
“Knowledge shared is knowledge squared.” Sorry for the math pun, but this saying is so true! When our most valuable resource, which is knowledge, i...
What’s the Big Deal? Part 1
Apr. 17 2024 NewsThe new John Deere high horsepower (hp) 9RX tractors – that’s the BIG DEAL!
If you are new to producing hay or just thinking about changing things up, you might be stuck on deciding on a baling method that best suits your o...
Hay Clinic Recap
Jan. 10 2024 NewsWe had a great day with our friends and customers learning about John Deere's current hay equipment line-up as well as some inside information abou...
FAQ: Full-Throttle Ag TECH Apprenticeship
Dec. 18 2023 NewsThe American Implement Full-Throttle Ag TECH Apprenticeship Program is an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in breaking into the agricult...
Reasons to Get Your Tractor Serviced This Winter
Dec. 18 2023 NewsWinter is the ideal time to give your tractor some TLC. It's the offseason for many agricultural workers (and even you DIYers), so odds are your eq...
American Implement Spreads Christmas Cheer
Dec. 15 2023 NewsIt's the most wonderful time of the year for American Implement! The holiday season is upon us, and we have been immersed in the spirit of Christma...
Reasons to Buy Used Equipment for Your Farm
Dec. 14 2023 NewsBuying a brand-new tractor can seem like the most attractive option for your farm, but beneath the surface, well-maintained used equipment can be j...
Most operators and folks who have been around modern farm equipment are familiar with diagnostic trouble codes or DTC's. Like the 'check engine lig...
Vacation - John Deere Style
May 18 2023 NewsSchool's out for Summer (or almost for many)! Looking for a family-friendly or even farmer-friendly getaway for your summer vacation? Assuming you'...
Have you ever worked with someone or talked with someone who just wasn't on the same page as you? Maybe not even the same chapter or book? Often ti...
If you care about the lifespan of your equipment, it is important to invest time and money into maintaining it. Tractors are meant to last for many...
We know your tractor is the backbone of your operation so selecting the right one is an important task. But that task is easier said than done when...
Connected Support Explained
Apr. 5 2023 NewsAmerican Implement, alongside John Deere, has been striving to develop tools, processes and our people over the past decade to keep up with “the ti...