RTK Network
Real Time Kinematics
John Deere RTK provides highly accurate, repeatable corrections to John Deere's suite of Precision Ag applications. RTK utilizes a local, ground-based reference station that transmits the high-accuracy corrections to a StarFire receiver on a vehicle via RTK radios.
Accuracy depends on the distance between the base station and the vehicle. At 20 kilometers (12 miles) from a base station, a vehicle has an approximate accuracy of 2.5 cm (1 in.) 68 percent of the time, but the closer the vehicle is to the base station, the more accurate the signal is.
RTK accuracy provides many benefits to the user in addition to highly accurate corrections. Vehicles utilizing this type of signal correction offer an approximate accuracy of 2.5-cm (1-in.) 20 km (12 miles) from the base station 68 percent of the time.
Other benefits include:
- Reduced overlap: A producer running RTK can operate at 2.5-cm (1-in.) pass-to-pass accuracy. The less overlap, the fewer inputs are used, which helps drive down overall costs.
- No satellite drift: Any satellite-based guidance system can suffer from inherent satellite drift. With RTK, satellite drift is eliminated because the stationary, local base station provides the corrections.
- Additional functionality: RTK also enables you to use the latest John Deere products. New products like iGuide and iSteer require RTK corrections to provide the precise accuracy producers need.
Currently, the American Implement RTK network supports 81 towers with a 12 mile broadcast radius that covers over 23 million acres. Making the move to RTK has never been easier or more feasible.
You will gain peace of mind and a lower investment cost since American Implement is responsible for the maintenance of the base stations. Experience the luxury of traveling the same tracks year after year. RTK is ideal for strip-till applications, planting and more! With the repeatable, sub-inch accuracy of RTK you will save time and money, reduce your overlaps and input costs, increase your yields and maximize your efficiency levels. If your farm is not covered by our RTK Network contact your nearest AMS Specialist and we will work to see that your area is included in our RTK network.